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                            FindFirst procedure

  DECLARATION:  FindFirst(Path : String; Attr : Word; var S : SearchRec)

      PURPOSE:  Returns the first disk entry matching arguments

         UNIT:  The DOS unit

      REMARKS:  Path is the directory mask (ie *.*), and Attr specifies
                the file attributes.  The attributes can be any combination
                of one or more of the normal DOS attributes.  The attributes
                as they are declared in the DOS unit are:

                                 ReadOnly   = $01;
                                 Hidden     = $02;
                                 SysFile    = $04;
                                 VolumeID   = $08;
                                 Directory  = $10;
                                 Archive    = $20;
                                 AnyFile    = $3F;

                The result of the search is returned in the specified search
                record (SearchRec) which is delared in the DOS unit as:

                              SearchRec  =  Record
                                 Fill : Array(1..21) of Byte;
                                 Attr : Byte;
                                 Time : LongInt;
                                 Size : LongInt;
                                 Name : String[12];

                NOTES:  Errors are reported through DosError.
                        Possible errors:  2 - (Directory Not Found)
                                         18 - (No More Files)

See Also: FindNext
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